Friday, November 19, 2010

My first engine re-build help!!!!?

Hi, I have decided to learn how to split and repair my own motorcycle engines as it's costing me an absolute fortune at the shop as we all know. I have bought hundreds of pounds worth of tools that i need, everything from the crank splitter down to an impact screwdriver. I am now fully confident in repairing and changing all the bearings, gears, clutch etc,,,,the only thing that i still have to have done at the shop is if i have a broken or worn conrod. Is there anyway of opening the crank up in your own little workshop, ie: garden shed,,,lol,,,any info would be great, thanks for your time,,,SimonMy first engine re-build help!!!!?
no...unless you have a 30 ton press handy....not only that they have to be pressed back together and balanced...not something i would attempt never mind you....but a star for trying...

ps,you didn't need to buy crank splitters/pullers or impact drivers.My first engine re-build help!!!!?
By your term ';opening the crank up in your own little workshop';, I assume you mean splitting the cases.

Yes, it can be done. I've done several over the years, on a bench in my garage.

Depending on the make, some special tools may be required.
yeah its easy to remove the crank in a small work shop, ive done loads. its just a case of splitting the casing and out it pops! the only prob i can think of if its a really small shed is, keeping all the parts boxed and having space to store them while saving enough room for the actual build.
first off don't worry about the what if's.

If you need to send it out you have to send it out. If you need to replace it then there ya go.

As for opening a shop out of a shed or something. I mean sure y not. There is a number of bikes that you can sell(check your local laws) but as for working on things nothing is stopping you. well one thing.

If you are accepting cash for these things you should record it for tax purposes.

You will be better off getting a con rod kit done at the shop, the main crank pin needs to be pressed out, then the new rod and bearing fitted and the new pin needs to be pressed back in and then the crank assembly has to be put on needle rollers and be checked for run out and balance .

Anything that is rotating at up 200 times a second needs to be done right.
congratz on doing yourself just have your spec book close by along with a torque wrench to tighten correct tolerances... As for the impact screwdriver once you get those peky phillips screw out replace them with with same thread metric bolts ;)
if your crank doesn't have shell bearings which simply break open with a spanner/socket give it to the pro's.I restored a BSA M21 with a shot big end and even with access to a 25 ton press heat(lots of it) grinding gear lathe's etc it was anightmare ,and though I was chuffed to get the job done once was enough ,even assuming you manage to get it apart the bearing race pressed into the con rod needs to be ground to size ,not something possible in my shed at the moment but theres a thought three phase converter, too much spare time hmmm?
You would have been better sending your money on a car.

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